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Pathway to Spiritual Growth

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen." 2 Peter 3:18 NRSV

Our membership class is a one session class that will deepen your understanding of who we are as a ministry.  We will tell you about our church history, our mission, our beliefs, why local church membership is important, and how you can be a part of our future.

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus instructs us to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father , the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..."  Our baptism class is a one session class that will help you understand what water baptism is, what is signifies, why it is important, and how to prepare yourself to be baptized.

How do I grow in my walk with God?

We offer ARMOR training to anyone who wants to develop a deeper relationship with God and has a desire to know who God really is.  Through this training you will learn more about your walk in Christ.  You will use this platform to pour the Power and Love of God  into others through discipleship.

What is the purpose of ARMOR training?

"A" is for Activating our Faith in God - Romans 10:17 

"R" is for Renewing our Mind - Romans 12: 1

"M" is for Maturing the Body of Believers - Ephesians 4:13-15

"O" is for Overcoming the World - John 16:33

"R" is for Revealing the Truth - John 8:32



Foundation 101 covers the fundamentals for establishing a solid foundation of truth in a believer's walk with God. This class will teach that Christ, Word, Prayer, Fellowship, and Witness are the key ingredients needed to strengthen your relationship with our Creator and successfully walking out a life with Jesus. 



Understanding the Master’s Voice - God is the Great Communicator. He created mankind for the purpose of relationship - someone with whom He could walk, talk, and enjoy fellowship. Of all creatures God created, only mankind has the ability to be compatible with the Creator, communicating thoughts, ideas, and affections to God. 



This nine week study inspires new passion and understanding of what genuine worship looks and feels like. Each lesson encourages you to turn to the Bible while allowing your heart and mind to meditate on and absorb Bible truths about expressing your devotion to God.