You may recall the Year of Jubilee mentioned throughout the book of Leviticus. This was a time when all debts were canceled, all land was returned to its original owners, and all enslaved people were freed. In modern society, we have become enslaved to so many things; not only to earthly possessions but to temptations, shame, guilt, regret, and so much more.
The good news it that Christ has already paid your debt and has set your FREE! The book of Colossians tells us that Jesus took up our sins and nailed them to the cross – giving us a freedom that lasts for eternity. The best part is that freedom can be yours today. You don’t have to wait until the “Year of Jubilee” because Christ is our Jubilee. We proclaim liberty today because Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins.
The good news it that Christ has already paid your debt and has set your FREE! The book of Colossians tells us that Jesus took up our sins and nailed them to the cross – giving us a freedom that lasts for eternity. The best part is that freedom can be yours today. You don’t have to wait until the “Year of Jubilee” because Christ is our Jubilee. We proclaim liberty today because Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins.

Imagine this... God loves us so much, that He gave his only son that we may live. There is no greater gesture of love than this. Jesus instructs us to love. In the book of John, He says “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Another scripture that instructs us to love is Matthew 25:40, where Christ says “Truly, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Believers who are grounded in this truth live in covenant agreement which reveals the power of unity. The abundant blessings of God’s Kingdom burst forth in our individual and corporate lives as we walk together in love. The unity we demonstrate will release the strength and power that the world desperately needs to see. From mature loving people will emerge a growing body of believers set apart for the work of ministry.
Another scripture that instructs us to love is Matthew 25:40, where Christ says “Truly, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Believers who are grounded in this truth live in covenant agreement which reveals the power of unity. The abundant blessings of God’s Kingdom burst forth in our individual and corporate lives as we walk together in love. The unity we demonstrate will release the strength and power that the world desperately needs to see. From mature loving people will emerge a growing body of believers set apart for the work of ministry.
What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?
In the book of Genesis, our Heavenly Father tells us to be fruitful and multiply. We believe this extends beyond family, finances and our contribution to the community. As we grow in the kingdom, God wants us to be fruitful through discipleship by allowing Him to shine through our lives, so much so that our actions minister to those around us.
Through one-on-one mentoring, reliable people reproduce themselves in other reliable people into the third and fourth generations. Reproduction progresses to multiplication where people teach people to teach people… (2 Timothy 2:2)
In the book of Genesis, our Heavenly Father tells us to be fruitful and multiply. We believe this extends beyond family, finances and our contribution to the community. As we grow in the kingdom, God wants us to be fruitful through discipleship by allowing Him to shine through our lives, so much so that our actions minister to those around us.
Through one-on-one mentoring, reliable people reproduce themselves in other reliable people into the third and fourth generations. Reproduction progresses to multiplication where people teach people to teach people… (2 Timothy 2:2)