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Go Reach Our World

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The mission of Of Jubilee is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, to demonstrate His love, and to equip believers to impact their world.  This is also why we are partnering in ministry with Sathya Veda Seminary - Trivandrum, India.   In visiting the Seminary, I witnessed the tremendous work and dedication of Dr. Gnanadas Danam and his team in building a world-class ministry of excellence and service to the nation of India.  SVS has become a vital partner as we fulfill our mission of growmore24!  JOIN US as we GoReachOurWorld through building the global ministry of Sathya Veda Seminary!

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on an upcoming mission trip

No trips are open at this time.

Danli, Honduras 
May 26-June 3, 2024

Please pray for our church family as they are traveling back from Honduras today! 

Pastor Johnson in Africa
January 16 - 28, 2024

Please pray for Pastor Johnson's last few days in Africa and for traveling mercies for his trip back home.
Pastor Johnson's Gorilla Trek.

Pastor Johnson preaching in the community of Iganga at the school called "Double Hope."

Missionary Connections

Rev. Dr. Gnanadas Danam, SVS Director

Sathya Veda Seminary was started in 2001 and is located in the capital city of the State of Kerala, India.  SVS is an esteemed Biblical organization aimed at training and equipping committed men and women who are willing to serve the Lord and His people with their God-given gifts and talents.  SVS provides Spiritual and Academic training to students to help them become responsible citizens of the nation and for the work of the Kingdom.  
This is also why we are partnering in ministry with Sathya Veda Seminary - Trivandrum, India.   In visiting the Seminary, I witnessed the tremendous work and dedication of Dr. Gnanadas Danam and his team in building a world-class ministry of excellence and service to the nation of India.  SVS has become a vital partner as we fulfill our mission of growmore24!  JOIN US as we GoReachOurWorld through building the global ministry of Sathya Veda Seminary!
Please consider being a blessing to Sathya Veda Seminary.  You can give a one-time donation of any amount to cover the general expenses of the ministry or pledge to support a student's tuition by setting up a recurring donation of $100 per month or  $1,200 for a year.  Click on the giving button below to give to our India Missions Fund to support SVS and the work Rev. Dr. Gnanadas Danam is doing in India.

Pastor Johnson's Mission Trip to India - 2023

Encourage our active missionaries

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